You are currently browsing the tag archive for the ‘movies’ tag.

I love driving in the fall because, when I first start out, the leaves on my car stream back over the windshield, and it reminds me of going into hyperspace in Star Wars.

My friend Anne Elisabeth’s second book, Veiled Rose, is available for preorder! You should check it out.

Some lovely photography for you to peruse.
The annotated Sherlock, an article pointing out many of the book references in the show.

Welcome back. Flash mob at the airport!
“One Day Like This” by Elbow.

When I first heard about the movie Cowboys and Aliens, I thought it sounded truly atrocious. It still does, but I must admit that I found the trailer entertaining.

You will be pleased to hear that On Basilisk Station did finally improve somewhat. The net result was still disappointment, though. Every time something was on the verge of happening, the author would pause the action and go into the history of that particular character’s planet, complete with political turmoil and class distinctions. By the time he finally got back to the action, you’d forgotten what was even happening, and all forward momentum was lost. *makes a face*

Tomorrow, the renaissance fair! You should come. 🙂

The other day I saw the saddest thing in the world: an overweight, middle-aged man in grungy clothes, standing by the dumpsters of a gas station late at night, scratching at a lottery ticket. Better luck next time, mister. Or perhaps better luck next life; this one does not seem to have been good to you.

I drove by an Awesome Street a few days ago. No lie.

Regrettably, this week I found out that I will soon be losing my job. They don’t have enough work to keep a full-time editor on anymore. Ah well…the past ten months were nice, not being broke for the first time, but I’m sure alternatives will materialize. I had applied for 17 jobs within 24 hours of finding out, so I’m certainly doing my part.

My usual fascination with parkour has become even more obsessive lately. I’ve even been toying with the idea of trying to find some kind of club in Raleigh (Or I was until I lost my source of income anyway). Watch and be inspired!
3Run Showreel.
Amazing Parkour. I totally sympathize with that dude at the end. I’ve had that same predicament many times: great, how do I get out of this?

I’ve been enjoying the webcomic Buttersafe lately, and most are pretty great, but this one made me laugh the hardest.

Sith…princesses? Darth Snow White is my favorite.
Driscoll Middle School trick play. I’ve never been so amused by football.
“Make ‘Em Laugh” with Joseph Gordon-Levitt on SNL. I love how this pays homage to both the original “Make ‘Em Laugh” and to Inception. Also, wicked air on those backflips.

This will absolutely make you smile. Calming the Baby Beast. Interestingly enough, this is precisely what happens to me when I listen to Florence + the Machine too.

“Gorecki” by Scala & Kolacny brothers.
“Last Leaf” by OK Go.

Interesting article on introverts. I don’t agree with all of their generalizations, but I thought some things were spot-on. “The shy want desperately to connect but find socializing difficult…Introverts seek time alone because they want time alone. An introvert and a shy person might be standing against the wall at a party, but the introvert prefers to be there, while the shy individual feels she has no choice.” Ahem, thank you.

The Eagle of the Ninth trailer, based upon the book by Rosemary Sutcliff. I’ve heard wonderful things about her work, but haven’t actually got around to reading any yet. I’m told her Arthurian novels are great. I am somewhat intrigued by the movie, though I am puzzled by Hollywood’s fascination with the Picts lately. This sounds an awful lot like a lower-rated version of Centurion. And yeah, the Picts were fearsome and all, but I’d be grouchy too if a bunch of soldiers in broom hats and leather skirts came marching onto my turf and informed me that they now owned the place. Maybe folks just like ’em ’cause they’re blue. As far as I could tell, that was the only reason the Smurfs were ever popular. Anyway, I don’t hold out very high hopes for Channing Tatum suddenly being able to act (from what I’ve seen, he has fewer facial expressions than Legolas, which is saying something), but Jamie Bell is a good actor, and there are horses and swords, so.

I was browsing an LJ comm for Horatio Hornblower (oh hush, you), and I ran across the coolest thing. The poster talked about the Time/Life series of books on Seafarers, and in the book The Frigates, there’s an old list of the ships in both the US and British navies. The British navy had a ship called the HMS Forester, and it was captained by one A. Kennedy! I got a hearty chuckle out of that. (C.S. Forester wrote the Horatio Hornblower books, and one of the main characters in them was Archie Kennedy.) But then I realized the book sounded familiar. Turns out I have it! I picked up an ancient copy in Florida for 25 cents, even though it smelled like a dead thing, because it looked so fascinating.

My reading self-control has been shot to pieces lately. I went to the library SOLELY to return books. Then I thought that browsing “for future reference” would not go amiss. I ended up walking out with four more books, to add to the huge stack I should really finish in the next couple weeks. However…it was worth it.

I read Tigana by Guy Gavriel Kay (what, I’ve been working my way through the library’s Kay supply, don’t judge me). At first I was kinda meh about it–maybe because the setting is more or less medieval Italy, which isn’t really my cup of tea. Tsk tsk, I thought, Kay, you’re slipping. It is one of his earlier books, so I figured he hadn’t quite developed his art by that point. But no. 650 pages in, and I was utterly, completely enthralled, as usual.

In contrast, On Basilisk Station by David Weber is proving to be a disappointment thus far. The series is science fiction based upon the adventures of Lord Nelson and is heavily inspired by the Horatio Hornblower series (the main character is named Honor Harrington). You would think that this could not fail to be awesome. Sadly, you would be wrong. At 60 pages, it’s dull as ditchwater and mainly about space politics. Dreary… Still, I’ll give it a few hundred pages more to prove itself.

I really should try to finish that and The Aeneid this week because I just know Dr. Thomas is going to grill me on Virgil when I see him next weekend at the renaissance fair.

So I went with some friends to see Inception at the dollar theater a week or so ago. Then I went the next night and saw it again. I thought it was pretty magnificent. It’s generally taken up residence in my thoughts for some reason, and I’ve been mulling over it a lot and forming a lot of opinions. Now you have to suffer through them!

A lot of people think that Inception is the bee’s knees. Heck, just look at Imdb, it’s got a 9.1 out of 10 stars. A lot of people also think that Inception is overrated, couldn’t possibly live up to the hype, and has a lot of flaws. And these folks make some really good points (which I will tear to shreds in the process of this review, mwahahaha). But really, these are my thoughts and opinions, and I realize they will not be shared by everyone. So, uh, if you hated it…I’m sorry. Here’s a cookie.

Beforehand, I intentionally avoided all trailers, clips, spoilers, and discussion for the movie. I went into the movie not knowing a single thing about it, which I think was the perfect state of mind to be in.

If you are currently in that state of mind and/or have not seen the movie, stop reading this now. Seriously, don’t read this! You’ll wish you hadn’t! You’ll wish you’d never been born! Quit while you still can!

Click for one terribly long assault by giant spoilers and meandering commentary.

Had the loveliest of weeks! I have truly excellent friends.

Things I have learned lately:
Arkansas Black apples are sadly not as delicious as one might think.
One can easily procure seven books for $1 at The Reader’s Corner in Raleigh. Go check it out.
It is indeed possible to climb the old library at Campbell University. (At last, I’ve done it!)
Cell phones in my possession have a relatively short lifespan.
Always call to check the times of movies before dragging seven people to go see one.
North Hills is a labyrinth probably designed by the devil.
Whipped cream lasts a surprisingly long time.
Any movie, no matter how horrible, is hilarious when watched with RiffTrax.

In spite of spending scads of time with good friends, I also had time to go see a movie (Inception, my second viewing; I’ve been mulling over it a lot, so much so that I may post a review of it here) by myself, which was a really fun experience. I’ve never actually done that before. It’s a fascinating opportunity to people watch. I went to a concert a few months ago by myself and found it to be equally intriguing. I notice a lot more when I’m on my own.

People are good at stuff!
Cat versus mouse.

You’ve seen the film Watership Down… So morbid, I love it!
Jupiter sounds (so strange!)

Save the Words, stolen from Sam.
Pretty true.

I’ve been terribly bipolar in my reading habits lately. Usually I only work on one book at a time, but right now I’m juggling quite a handful. I finished The Wind’s Twelve Quarters, a book of short stories by Ursula K. LeGuin, and it was quite lovely. Behold, an excerpt (even better in context) from one of the tales:

“The trouble is that we have a bad habit, encouraged by pedants and sophisticates, of considering happiness as something rather stupid. Only pain is intellectual, only evil is interesting. This is the treason of the artist: a refusal to admit the banality of evil and the terrible boredom of pain. If you can’t lick ’em, join ’em. If it hurts, repeat it. But to praise despair is to condemn delight, to embrace violence is to lose hold of everything else. We have almost lost hold; we can no longer describe a happy man, nor make a celebration of joy.”

I’m also somewhat working on The Wing-and-Wing by James Fenimore Cooper, the Aeneid by Virgil (translated, obviously), and Tigana by Guy Gavriel Kay. I also have an intriguing book called On Basilisk Station by David Weber waiting for me, which is supposedly space opera patterned after Lord Nelson and Horatio Hornblower. Can’t lose there, I should think.

Good news! They’re finally making The Hobbit, for real this time! Also, Martin Freeman has been confirmed as Bilbo, which I think is fantastic. Richard Armitage is going to be Thorin Oakenshield, which I find mildly disturbing, since he’ll pretty much always be Guy of Gisborne to me and not, well, a dwarf. But it could be cool.

Speaking of movies, 5 Annoying Trends That Make Every Movie Look the Same. I really can’t argue with any of that.

2 Guys, 600 Pillows, by the ever-amusing Rhett and Link.

On TV, we have friends. In real life, we live alone. Eerily true.

So, you guys. I sent out three stories to three different publishers last Sunday, and on Thursday I heard back from one! My very first rejection letter! I’m pretty excited. I think I have an overly romanticized view of the struggling writer, wallpapering his apartment in rejection slips, because I was ridiculously thrilled to receive it. Not as ridiculously thrilled as I would have been, were it an acceptance letter, but I’ll take what I can get in terms of responses. And you know what this means? I can send the story out to somebody else now!

Tomorrow I’m off to the farmer’s market, The Flying Saucer Draught Emporium, and the dollar theater to finally see Inception. Coincidentally, I happen to be doing most of those things with a group of some of my favorite people. Awesomeness of the day is assured, kids. Hope your day is just as splendid.

Confession: I am drinking V8 Fusion straight out of the bottle. I am such a rebel.

I have learned several things today:
1. No matter how many times you try to put a Canadian 25-cent piece in a North Carolina coin laundry machine, the machine will keep spitting it out.
2. I am not particularly quick on the uptake when it comes to distinguishing between George Washington and Queen Elizabeth II.
3. Coin laundry machines are smarter than I am.

Definitely checking any quarters that I get from Walgreens in the future to determine that they are indeed quarters. I stood there, frustration increasing, feeding the same “quarter” in the dryer forever because it was my last one until some kindly woman took pity on me and pointed out that my money was from the great North. The situation was even more hilarious because I don’t think she even spoke English.

Other discoveries of a mostly less-embarrassing nature.

If ever you find yourself in Raleigh, check out Escazu Chocolates, and try one of the spicy chocolate push-ups. You will not be disappointed! I was introduced to this wondrous place by Faith and Matthew today, along with Ornamentea, which is the place to go if you’re looking for sheets of mica, the makings for steampunk trinkets, papier mache camels, or metalsmithing tools. Hey, everyone’s grocery list is different.

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader trailer. *jumps up and down excitedly* I love the way they made Lucy look like Susan in the reflection. Oo, and she gets to use Susan’s bow? But wait, what is this? All four Pevensies? Peter and Susan, you are not in this book! I missed you, though, so I suppose you may stay.
Tangled trailer. Trite as some of this appears, I may have to watch it, just on principle.
Click: A Lego short film.
When did Jake Gyllenhaal get to be so amusing? Don’t even know anything about the movie, but he’s hilarious.

Sea turtle films self, becomes YouTube sensation. The guy mentions that he thought at first a diver was being attacked by a sea turtle, and that is definitely what I would think as well, if I found this camera washed up somewhere. “Holy cow, guys, I always knew giant sea turtles were out for blood! With those blinky, beady eyes…those perilous flippers…they’ve been plotting our doom all along! Now I have proof!” And then it turns out the turtle just wanted his 15 minutes of fame.
Bones of Saxon queen Eadgyth found. Both the history minor and the English major in me leapt for joy when I read this!

In case you were unaware, June 16th was Captain Picard Day. Did you make your clay model?

Speaking of Star Trek, I’ve been watching a few episodes of the Next Generation lately. I forgot how much I adored that show! There is nothing better than some good Trek. And now I am boldly going to bed.

I’m back in the world! If by “the world” you mean “within the borders of North Carolina,” and I don’t necessarily subscribe to that definition myself. But, it is good (if very weird) to be back. Living at home is strange after being on my own, but I had a pretty rockin’ job interview last week, so if that works out I’ll be moving to a Raleigh apartment imminently. We shall see…

In the meantime, I’ve already crammed about a jillion good times into a very tiny space. On Tuesday, after my interview, I visited some friends in Raleigh and managed to lock my keys in my car for the very first (and last, I hope) time. But there’s no better place to be stuck than with friends, so that was actually quite fun. Then on Thursday I was at the same friends’ place for an awesome party, which mainly consisted of playing word games, drinking hot chocolate and wassail, and having a lovely time in general. Then on Saturday I went to the wedding of a good friend. Reunions all around!

A fantastic song called “Daylight.” Matt and Kim, where have you been all my life?
Art by Melissa Haslam.
Read this post by Danielle on changing the world, and then change the world.
This completely blew my mind. Leonard Nimoy played Sherlock Holmes?? It’s like the collision of the two ideal men! SO COOL.
This guy is insane, or possibly my hero.

Oh, so I finally finished Atlas Shrugged a while back and forgot to mention it. I found it very interesting, though EXTREMELY preachy. I think Ayn Rand could have been a great writer of fiction if she would have stepped off of her soapbox occasionally; her characters are intriguing, and she paints their interactions in rather novel ways. Her ideas are unique and merit some thought, but I realized I was kind of going, “Oh yeah, ok,” for some things, and then thinking, “Wait, I actually don’t believe that at all.” She has a habit of beating you into agreeing by sheer volume of words, but if carried to their logical conclusion, her ideas become a bit terrifying. Still, I recommend it, if one is very solid in one’s convictions on such matters.

In other news, I went to the movies! Shock and amazement. My family and I went to see The Blind Side, and it was actually pretty great. I’m not a big sports movie fan, but this movie didn’t limit itself to the sports sphere, and it was nice that the whole family could watch and enjoy it. My mom’s not fond of scifi or fantasy or, in fact, any of the types of movies I enjoy, so normally one of us is displeased during movie nights, but this worked quite well!

This is my last post before I move to the wilderness of Florida! I suspect it’s pretty civilized, but you wouldn’t know it to hear Mom talk. She’s finding all sorts of things to worry about, including but not limited to hurricanes, alligators, Burmese pythons, and my eating poorly. I confess, I find myself slightly apprehensive about some things regarding moving. Can’t say that Burmese pythons make the list, though. All outsized reptiles better watch out; I am headed for their territory this Sunday. I’ve been packed and set to go for a week (what, I like to get things done early), and all of my worldly possessions are in a great pile in the living room, waiting to be loaded into the car tomorrow night. Surely at some point this moving business will sink in and seem real. Maybe.

Speaking of reptiles…apparently they should be careful of large cats as well.

Today was my last day at the country club, and everyone was really sweet. I got a whole bunch of cards, and the dessert chef made a cheesecake, and there were hugs all around. Funny how you never know how much people like you until you’re leaving. Or maybe they were all just really happy to see me go. 😛

Bookwise, I finally read A Farewell to Arms by Hemingway the other day. I’m not sure how I got through school not having read it, but the situation has been rectified. I feel terribly guilty, but I can’t lie: I really don’t like Hemingway. I try! I try really hard to like him! As an English major, I feel like I’m missing some vital key to his writings that will magically make them wonderful. I read The Old Man and the Sea twice, hoping it would grow on me, and loathed it both times. There’s just something about his particular brand of bleakness that rubs me the wrong way and makes me laugh at all things that are supposed to be tragic or whatever. He takes himself so seriously and is so morose about it that I kind of just want to slap him around, and his dialogue drives me up the wall. Maybe when I’m older I’ll find that magical key and it’ll all be wonderful. Maybe. Sorry, Hemingway.

After that I read Franny and Zooey by J.D. Salinger, and that was actually pretty fantastic. I’m not sure yet how I feel about all of it, and maybe it was just so good because I started it right after reading A Farewell to Arms (SORRY, Hemingway!), but I think I came across it at just the right time. I need to be pulled down off of my academic horse pretty regularly, and this is a great book for it.

Hey, did I mention a superb movie called The Fall yet? No? Well now I have. It’s disturbing at times and too violent, but also absolutely beautiful and exceedingly touching. I think I recommend it. The trailer doesn’t do it justice; it’s much better than it looks. I also rewatched the old movie Captain Blood again after reading the book, both of which were good fun.

Agh! I am filled with excitement and foreboding and angst and I don’t know what these days. I need to move and start a new job and be done with all of this in-betweenness.

Oh, I had such a good spring break! I think this is the first break ever where I got everything done on my to-do list (or I will by the end of it, anyway).

Saturday I relaxed a bit, helped my parents with some proofreading, and sent out 7 more resumes, among other things. Sunday I polished off the next draft of my thesis (60 pages now, not counting my truly monstrous works cited pages), which took, as always, longer than anticipated.

Monday I went to Fayetteville with Mom for an eye exam (last time on Dad’s insurance!), but fortunately my eyes hadn’t changed enough to need new glasses (huzzah for saving money). Then we did a bit of shopping, which was actually not as boring as usual because I got the SWEETEST pair of hiking boots known to man, which is a very good thing because the hole in my current ones is getting kind o’ ridiculous. I’ve been searching and searching for ages for good boots, with no luck (I’m very picky about my boots, thank you very much), so I’m very glad I found these. They’re dark brown Timberlands, waterproof, with fantastic tread. I think we’re going to be very happy together. 🙂 I also bought a dress for formal, which was cool, but not as cool as the boots.

Tuesday I did all of the research for my last English paper in my last English class, Victorian Lit. Wednesday I wrote the paper – 15 pages in 4 hours. I’m kind of bummed I’m done with papers, because I think I’ve got the hang of it. At the same time, I am ridiculously glad to be done. Thursday I did all of the research for my German 410 paper, cleaned the roof of debris, and did other little chores. Then today I wrote the German 410 paper in one go and got terribly carried away, as I stopped at 12 pages and it only had to be 8-10. I have been in the paper writing zone lately! Then Ed and I tackled Nick’s Creek trail, which links to a bunch of other trails around here. It would’ve been an 11-mile trip, but we got a very late start, so we shortened it to 7 miles, which was fine. It was kind of a dull trail, not much worth exploring, but I’m glad I at least know now.

Somewhere in there I went running and did some archery. There’s one of those cool speed-checker thingummys down the road, so I was playing with that one night. Turns out it’ll measure your speed running pretty well! I could get it up to 13mph, but I’m hoping to try it some night when I haven’t already run and see if I can get it up to 14. I’m sure the neighbors are irritated by my running back and forth in front of their houses…

I also saw the movie Australia the other day, and it was quite good! Had a couple weird or over the top parts, but it was visually exquisite and it was really cool seeing and hearing Aussie things again. I will go back to that country before I die…

I was rewatching some recut trailers the other day; I give you Mary Poppins and The Sound of Music, recut as horror movies.
I didn’t think this was real at first, I admit.
The city of Sybaris has been found! I love the story of the dancing horses; that should be some kind of creepy bedtime story.
What do you do when your country has been flooded with nuclear radiation? Turn it into a nature preserve, of course.

You seem to have stumbled upon a storytelling of ravens. Watch for falling collective nouns; you may find a wing of dragons or a charm of hummingbirds caught in your hair. Hardhats are recommended.

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