You are currently browsing the monthly archive for April 2010.

Such adventures I have been having, this blog cannot possibly contain them! (As a kid, I remember being a little irked by that verse in John 21 where it says Christ did so many things, “Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.” Come on, John! Couldn’t you at least have tried to write down a few?) Renaissance fair, Bond Park, and Dr. Vaughan’s retirement party, to name a few. Sunday I’m going strawberry-picking! It’s not summer till you’ve been berry-picking, regardless of what the thermometer blithely tells you. (I know, it’s not actually summer yet, but it feels it.)

I bought my very first pieces of furniture, all on my own! I have two spiffin’ new bookshelves, courtesy of Wally’s World. Right now my apartment looks like it puked books everywhere, and they’ve kind of oozed into the corners. I’ve been bringing a few crates every week from my parents’ place, and they’re stacked everywhere. You see, before I put them on the shelves, I have to make sure the shelves are in just the right place, and I’m not convinced yet. We’re getting acquainted. Then, once the shelves are in the right spot in the room, there begins the endless but extremely enjoyable task of organizing all of the books on them in just the right way. Alphabetization? Far too predictable. Dewey decimal system? Too many numbers. I’m going to come up with something far more exciting, just you wait.

Have some links to look at while you wait.

Why is propeller head slang for a computer geek? That doesn’t really make sense to me.

I called to change my address for something or other, and the lady on the phone asked for my birthday, so I gave it to her.
Lady, repeating it aloud as she types it in: “January 21st, 1927.”
Me: “No no, 1987.”
Lady: “Oh. Yeah, you didn’t sound that old.”

Well, I should hope not.

For shame, George.
Revenge of the Octopus!
Peeps Show.
Lean, Unlovely English. Oh, I beg to differ!
Dogs Body Sledding, yet another example of animals showing us up in the glee department.
“Microphone” by Coconut Records.
Rain delays are so much more entertaining than the actual sport.
When did baseball get so cool?? I would actually watch it if it was always this exciting.
House of stone, one more place to visit one day.

I was telling Sarah and Danielle about man-eating catfish the other day, and I think I found the original article I saw a while back about the crazy mutant catfish on the Great Kali river. Then that led me to an article on the Ganges River dolphin. I’m always amazed when I learn about yet another species of animal that I have never once heard of in all my 23 years of life, and I think it’s awesome.

Darn it, I had witty things to say, but I’m too sleepy to remember them. Have some links instead.

World’s cheapest destinations. Make a note of that.
Interesting that this is starting to reverse.
How not to be a stupid tourist! Someone should make this required reading.
Pillars of Earth trailer. I haven’t heard a thing about this. Could it be good?
The trailer for Tron: Legacy, which I can’t believe I haven’t posted yet. I loved the 80s Tron (hush, it was cool), and I gotta say, this looks pretty darn nifty.
Standing cat is watching you. Why is this so creepy??
Bet you anything, this makes you smile.
I found a pretty cool site called The Moon Fell on Me, and here are some of the best:

I can stay awake for a little booktalk, at least. I read The Story Girl by L.M. Montgomery (author of the Anne of Green Gables books), and it was delightful and quite Anneish. Then again, all of Montgomery’s books are Anneish, even the ones not about Anne. I reread The Queen of Attolia and The King of Attolia in the same day, preparatory to reading the new book in the series, A Conspiracy of Kings, aloud with friends every Monday. So good! I have forgotten how much I adored The Queen’s Thief series, but my memory has been thoroughly refreshed. Then I polished off a book of Bradbury stories (I Sing the Body Electric), which, while very good, was not quite as enthralling as usual, for some reason. Up next: Moby Dick! I’ve read chunks of it for various classes, but I never sat down and read the whole thing through. It’s high time, methinks.

My neighbors are having a terrific shouting match in some foreign language (Hindi?), thus shortening my nap. *grumbles*

However, happier things are afoot!
The new book in the Attolia series is out! I have yet to get my hands on a copy, but it will happen.
Animated Star Wars comedy series? I fail to see how that could be anything but atrocious.
Pizza guy fends off armed robber, delivers still-hot pizza.

From out of nowhere, I was suddenly thinking of John Masefield’s poem “I Must Go Down to the Sea.” You should read it:

I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky,
And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by,
And the wheel’s kick and the wind’s song and the white sail’s shaking,
And a grey mist on the sea’s face and a grey dawn breaking.

I must go down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide
Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied;
And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying,
And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the sea-gulls crying.

I must go down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life,
To the gull’s way and the whale’s way where the wind’s like a whetted knife;
And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow-rover,
And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick’s over.

As a wee grasshopper, I thought the line “All I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by” was pure magic. I haven’t really revised that opinion.

The 13 1/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear turned out to be, not 700 pages of hilarity, alas, but more like 700 pages of boredom. *shakes head sadly*

HOWEVER, I am currently reading The Lions of Al-Rassan by Guy Gavriel Kay (oh yes, him again), and it is magnificent. At one point I was reading in my cubicle (hey, there was no work for me to do! I might as well read.) in anguish over the exquisite supposed-death of one of my favorite characters, trying not to wail in dismay. So beautifully done! The amount of historical research! I am reduced to incoherency by this man’s writing talent. Regrettably, there are a couple elements to his books that make them difficult to recommend to some people; otherwise, I would be proclaiming his virtues to everyone I met, I think.

If you have not heard Jonsi’s new album Go, you should do so immediately. This is the first solo album by the lead singer of Sigur Ros, so you’re pretty much assured brilliance.

I went on a most splendid adventure with friends yesterday. We trekked along the Deep River, trespassed terribly (we found out later), nearly had a run-in under a Highway 1 bridge with what appeared to be drug dealers (terribly exciting, in the bad way), made it to the falls (which is actually a dam, but nonetheless very pretty), Faith nearly put her hand on a snake, Danielle slid down a tiny cliff, and all around a grand time was had by all. It’s going to be hard to top that, but we’re going to the flea market tomorrow, so one never knows.

Hirsute History. Brilliant! I plan on buying at least one of these t-shirts, and my hair will become a design for a shirt on this site (preferably in the Writers category). MARK MY WORDS.
Orson Welles reading the beginning of Moby Dick. I would listen to him read just about anything, actually.
The Future of Publishing, stolen from Sam.
Leave Blank. You wouldn’t think cake faux pas would be entertaining, but they are!
Jeff and Erin’s Epic Wedding Trailer. Haven’t a clue who these folks are, but they are my kind o’ folk.
I never realized quite how many lensflares there were in the new Star Trek movie, but now that you mention it…

Here there be page-turners.

You seem to have stumbled upon a storytelling of ravens. Watch for falling collective nouns; you may find a wing of dragons or a charm of hummingbirds caught in your hair. Hardhats are recommended.

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A Storytelling