You are currently browsing the monthly archive for February 2010.

1. You should watch the BBC miniseries North and South.
2. Marissa Nadler has some lovely music.
3. We should all pack up and go to New Zealand to eat dinner in a treehouse.
4. Amazing, geeky things can be done with Lego.
5. I would like to live (or at least have a summer home) in this town.
6. My aforementioned blacksmith friend is also in a band! Check out the Falmouth Fish Sea Chanty Collective.
7. Where are the subtitles?? I realize this is a million years old.

That was all.

Ok, you folks. My good friend Dan, who is a crazy British blacksmith, is selling some positively exquisite handmade axes on ebay. You should check them out.

While we’re on the subject of people I know doing awesome things, one of my professors wrote a comic book, and it’s on Amazon! Cool, no?

Another person I somewhat know, doing something more than somewhat cool: Cole Gorman is a photographer with whom I worked for four days, who then took off for the Sudan to take pictures and dig wells and do altruistic stuff like that. You should check out his photography.

Other things:
The Impossibirds. Is this real? Doesn’t even matter.
T-SHIRT WAR!!! Rhett and Link persist in being fantastic.
Copy Editor’s Lament, stolen from Sam, who is very good at finding such things.
The World’s Greatest Spokesperson…in the World. This cracks me up. It’s a follow-up to this, but I think it’s funnier to watch them out of order.

I’ve been reading more properly lately, having gone on several expeditions to scout out new and exciting library branches! I had some hits and some misses in terms of reading material. Nota fan of The Onion Girl by Charles de Lint. Sorry, Chuck, I tried. On the other hand, I quite enjoyed The Princess Bride by William Goldman, which I read for the very first time in spite of seeing the movie ages ago. I certainly wouldn’t call that a kids’ book, though; I ain’t giving that to my ten year old. Not that I have one. I must say the same for Stardust by Neil Gaiman; there is still something, somewhere, in Gaiman that disconcerts me. I think there may be a screw loose somewhere in that man’s head, and a tiny piece of insanity bleeds out onto the pages of each of his books, but it’s such a tiny flavor of crazy that you can’t really taste it.

Anyway, then I read Roverandom by Tolkien, and how in the world have I not read that before or so much as even seen a copy?? I wish desperately I’d read it as a very small child because I would have been madly in love and probably gone out and named a dog after the title immediately. Right now I’m working on Justice Hall by Laurie King, one of the books in the Beekeeper’s Apprentice series. So far, I confess, it’s only good and not great. Impress me, Laurie. You have a reputation in the Sherlock Holmes nouveau world to uphold.

Other than reading, I’ve been having lots of lovely little jaunts with friends, building snowmen and getting in snowball fights and making snow cream and sipping hot chocolate and watching movies and generally having a grand time. I’ve also gotten back into running, which is spiffy.

We all know what you’re REALLY here for, so let’s just take care of the fun stuff right away, shall we? 😉

Ok Go continues to be fabulous. (Oh darn, who did I steal this from?? I don’t remember! Probably Sam.)
“The Happiest Man on Earth,” a fascinating article I read in the plane on the way to San Diego.
Bank dance to “Why Do You Let Me Stay Here?” by She & Him, and THIS I did steal from Sam.
Austenbook, stolen from Rachael.
This fellow is eerily good at giving cats voices. Also check out “I Spy.”
It’s okay to play with your food if it’s still moving.
A little ditty called “Pollution” by Tom Lehrer, stolen from Joey.
Moscow’s stray dogs, also stolen from Joey.
Every once in a while, I get the sneaking suspicion dolphins are smarter and happier than me. It’s probably true.
Star Wars versus Star Trek, but not how you think.
Nick Pitera. Luke showed me this video one day in the English department, and I think I forgot about it because my brain couldn’t handle the memory, but it’s back now.
Been finding lots of lovely picspams lately:
Books: a picspam.
Words: a picspam.
Extremely cute animals doing stuff. Oh hush, you know you like it.

Whew. I’d been saving those up now for a while. Each time I got online to update, I always got busy, and, well. These things happen.

On to the less exciting stuff!

You seem to have stumbled upon a storytelling of ravens. Watch for falling collective nouns; you may find a wing of dragons or a charm of hummingbirds caught in your hair. Hardhats are recommended.

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